Branch and Area Capacity Enhancements

This release includes enhancements to our new branch and area capacity tools. This release will be available to all associations on Wednesday, May 13th.

For managing branch capacity, please reference our April 29th release.

For managing area capacity, please reference our May 6th release.

Branch and Area Capacity 

In order to provide excellent tools to manage capacity when associations reopen, we have added the following:

  • Branch Capacity for Members Online
  • Rapid Check Out Mode
  • Branch Capacity tracking on Area Check Ins
  • Quick Search by Name for Area Check In
  • Child Watch Capacity Enforcement

To learn more about this feature and how to get started, check out this week’s User Guide. There are two small changes to the user experience for commonly used reports that users may want to review.

Convert Membership Payments to Donations

Last week we released the ability to convert membership payments to donations en masse for several early adopters. This includes important updates to the Converted Donations Summary report. This release will be available to all associations on Wednesday, May 13th.

To learn more about this feature and how to get started, check out the User Guide.

Coming Soon! Updated Signatures for Membership Agreements 

We know many of you are reopening with updated membership agreements in place, which require memberships to sign and acknowledge. Our team has developed a new feature that will allow associations to use a new report to merge with each association’s preferred email tool to send a unique link to each membership.

This link will allow the membership to sign without requiring a login. Additionally, we will prevent memberships who have not yet agreed from checking in until a signature is obtained. 

This feature is undergoing our thorough testing process now, and we hope to release it as soon as next week.


Questions, concerns, or feedback? Email

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Capacity Tracking – Area Capacity

This release includes tools to track the capacity of areas within each branch or center. This functionality is available to all associations Wednesday, May 6th. For managing branch capacity, please reference last week’s release.

Managing Area Capacity 

In order to enforce proper social distancing policies, most associations will reopen with limited capacity to each branch. In addition, the branch capacity assumes that checked in members will be dispersed throughout the facility and not heavily grouped in one place. To keep areas of your facility safe for staff and members, we have added tools in this release to monitor usage by each area within the facility based on custom configuration by each association and branch.

To learn more about this feature and how to get started, check out this week’s User Guide.

Coming Soon! Member Access to Current Capacity

Our team is busy wrapping up the details of our next release, which contains functionality for members to log in to their accounts online to view current capacities at their preferred branch. This could be released as early as next week, so please stay tuned to the product blog for updates! A preview is included in the final pages of this week’s User Guide.

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Hide GroupEx PRO Schedules in Daxko Mobile

In March, we introduced the ability for our Customer Service team to quickly toggle off schedules en masse so they would not display in the app. With today’s release, all Daxko Mobile portal users, including those using GroupEX PRO to display group exercise schedules, can control this themselves.

Hide Schedules for Members

To hide schedules for a branch, navigate to the system menu and select “Manage Branches”. From there, toggle to choose whether schedules are hidden or displayed in the mobile app for specific branches.

When members access the app with the schedules hidden, they will see a message that says, “No Classes Today.” However, your schedule data will remain in the admin portal. To display branch schedules again, simply toggle them back on for that branch.



This feature is available Monday, May 4.

Have questions? Contact Customer Service at

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Capacity Tracking – Branch Capacity

This release includes the first of several tools that will assist associations in managing capacity when branches reopen. This functionality is available to all associations Wednesday, April 29th.

Managing Branch Capacity 

In order to enforce proper social distancing policies, most associations will reopen with limited capacity to each branch. This means that staff will need tools to check in members, monitor a list of members in the facility, and check out members all while ensuring that the reopening maximum capacity is not surpassed.

This release contains functionality for each of those critical tasks so that staff may reopen branches with successful capacity monitoring. To learn more about this feature and how to get started, check out this week’s User Guide.

Coming Soon! Managing Capacity by Area

Our team is busy wrapping up the details of our next release, which contains functionality for users to create areas within facilities and manage each area by specific capacities. This could be released as early as next week, so please stay tuned to the product blog for updates! A few previews are included in the final pages of this week’s User Guide.

Additional Enhancements 

In this release we have two enhancements requested by associations.

  1. Email Address added to the Corporate Membership Enrollment Report
  2. Captcha fundraising security now available by request for online donations

Need to know more? Email

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New Group Rules + Updates to Email Templates and Follow Features

This week’s release includes enhancements to Groups, email templates, the Follow feature, as well as a handful of small maintenance items. Many of these enhancements originated from product enhancement requests from users like you!

Import More Contacts

In response to COVID-19 communication efforts, we’ve recently heard from customers who need to upload more than 10,000 contacts through Imported Groups. With this release, users can now upload up to 50,000 contacts, as long as the csv file is no larger than 10MB.

Segment Members by Join Method

How you communicate to new joins may be different depending on how they joined. Now, create Groups of members based on the membership sign-up method. Choose between “Joined Online” or “Joined In-House” to fine-tune your audience.

Group by Number of Check-Ins with Member Visits Rule

To the “Member Visits” Group Rule we have added two new options that allow users to target members based on a specific threshold of facility visits over a period of time:

  • Has visited at least ___ times in the last ___.
  • Has visited at least ___ times between ___ and ___.

Email Previewer in Running Initiatives + Email Templates in Initiatives

Recently, we added the ability to preview emails in Completed and Cancelled initiatives. Now, users will see the email previewer for Running initiatives as well. This will allow users to quickly see the email without having to open the editor. Then, to make changes to the email, simply select “Edit” to proceed to the editor.

Also part of this release is the ability for users to preview email templates before adding them to an initiative they’re creating.

Search Email Templates

Search for email templates by name! The new search function can be accessed in the following places:

  • Main Email Templates page (System Menu > Email Templates)
  • Adding an email while defining an initiative workflow step
  • Changing the email design in a running initiative

Autosaved Email Templates

Users’ work in email templates will automatically save, much like it does when designing emails within initiatives. Autosave will occur every 2 minutes. Users will see a “Heads up!” message on the email templates page for any designs that have been autosaved while in progress.

Access Follow Feature from Tasks

The Tasks page is where a lot of users do much of their work following up with members. Now, all users will have the ability to Follow members from this view. Simply select “Follow” to begin following or select again to stop following.

See People That Users Follow

The Follow feature is a great way for users to stay aware of those members they’re building relationships with. Now, Supervisor-level users and above have the ability to see which people or groups other Engage users are following.

The above features will be available on Friday, April 24. See full release notes here. If you have questions, please reach out to

Happy Engage-ing!

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Fraudulent Donation Attempts

We have seen an increase in the last week of fraudulent credit card testing on our Online Giving pages. We are monitoring activity around the clock and have taken measures to protect your associations from these attempts. This blog post reviews what we are changing and why.

Note: There has not been a data breach or a PCI violation to Daxko Operations.

What is fraudulent credit card testing?

Unknown individuals that are wishing to steal funds will obtain lists of stolen credit card numbers. These are not stolen credit card numbers from Daxko in any way, rather they are credit cards of unknown individuals likely not associated with any of our organizations. In order for these criminals to validate which of the stolen credit cards are still active, they will use a site to test that credit card number – typically for a small amount so that a successful transaction does not alert the cardholder. These criminals target donation sites specifically, as no shipping addresses must be provided and no goods are exchanged. If the card is declined, they will know that the card is no longer valid. If the card is approved (for a small $1 or $2 donation in most cases), the criminals will then use that valid credit card to make purchases on a retail site or will sell that validated credit card to other criminals.

Sometimes these attacks are done by bots (automated processes built to simulate human interaction with the online giving site) and sometimes these are groups of individuals manually testing these cards.

What is Daxko doing about this?

Addressing these fraudulent attempts is an ever-changing process, as criminals continue to work around security measures. In this recent round of fraudulent attempts, the Daxko Team has selected the following immediate changes to deter this activity:

  1. We are implementing a $10 minimum for all online gifts. This discourages such criminals from wanting to use our site, as cardholders will notice a $10 charge on their statement more than a $1 charge. We know this will not stop them all together, but this is an effective measure taken by organizations like the American Red Cross and could help reduce testing volumes. In testing Friday, April 17th into Saturday, April 18th, we did find that implementing this minimum amount did deter an attack and we feel this is a successful measure to assist as we address this issue.
  2. We are taking the Online Giving Page offline from 10pm Central on April 18th to 7am Central on April 19th. This outage is necessary as the attacks are highly concentrated in the early morning hours and allows our team to research additional security measures that may be implemented. We will update messaging on this blog post if we determine this needs to be done for any additional days or times. UPDATE: We will continue to take the page down at night while we work on several other security measures to be released in the near future. Stay tuned for a specific date.
  3. We are adding rules to our rate limiting tool that blocks IP addresses that are submitting donations one after the other, especially when these are declined. This tool was implemented just over a year ago when we last saw a spike of fraudulent credit card testing in our online giving page, and has deterred criminals for since then. However, these individuals are using new methods to get around our monitoring and we responded by implementing a more secure set of rate limiting rules. UPDATE: Beginning at 5pm on 4/21 you may experience a temporary lockdown for online gifts based on our monitoring of activity on your site. This lockdown will last for 10 minutes at the time of release, but that time may be adjusted as needed based on the activity we are seeing.

These are the known decisions at this time but we have all hands on deck to investigate every option to stop this round of attacks and bulk up security for the future of our online giving tools.

How will we know if our association was affected?

Our team is compiling a list of all affected associations and we will be contacting you beginning on Monday. This will include our recommendations for addressing these attempts. While any successful attempts that occurred from fraudulent credit card testing will appear in Manage Online Donations, our team will contact you with the data our engineers have collected and provide insights in how to move forward.

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New Virtual Check-In Functionality

This release includes a way for associations to record virtual check-ins by barcode entry through each association’s website. This functionality is available to all associations on Wednesday, April 15th and should be tested on the Training Site prior to enabling the feature on the Live Site.

Recording Virtual Check-Ins 

While almost all facilities are currently closed for member fitness check-ins, all of you have pivoted masterfully to respond to the health and wellness needs fo your community through virtual content. We know that it is important to each of you to have an understanding of who is accessing that content, specifically in scenarios where virtual check-ins may allow for your association to be reimbursed (e.g. Silver and Fit; Silver Sneakers, etc).

For this reason, we have added a way for each association to enable a virtual area to allow for check-ins to be recorded. To learn more about this feature and how to get started, check out the User Guide.

Need to know more? Email

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Hide Schedules in Daxko Mobile

A few weeks ago, in response to the COVID-19 impact on facility schedules, we introduced the ability to quickly toggle off schedules en masse so they would not display in the app.

Up until now, this feature was controlled by our Customer Service team per request. With today’s release, all Daxko Mobile portal users can control this themselves.

Hide Schedules for Members

To hide schedules for a branch, navigate to the “Schedules” tab. Use the toggle to display or hide all branch schedules for members.

When members access the app with the schedules hidden, they will see a message that says, “No Classes Today.” However, your schedule data will remain in the admin portal. To display branch schedules again, simply toggle them back on for that branch.



Using the GroupEx PRO + Daxko Mobile Integration?

If you’re using GroupEx PRO to manage your schedules, you will very soon have access to this feature in an upcoming release. Please stay tuned…

This feature is available Tuesday, April 14.

Have questions? Contact Customer Service at

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Major Updates to Donations

This release contains exciting changes to Fundraising on your Daxko Operations Live Site! This includes the feature we released to your Training Site on February 20th as well as some incredible tools to assist you in this time of crisis.

Features added to assist during the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Ability to Convert Payments to Donations
  • Ability to Convert Fees to Donations
  • Convert to Donations Report
  • Event Logging and New Permission

Features added from Training Site to Live Site:

  • Easier Online Donations
  • Member Account Donation History
  • Donation Tax Statements
  • Simplified Staff Donation Forms
  • Better Duplicate Donor Resolution

… and more! To read all of the details, check out the User Guide. Please contact with questions or concerns.

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Group Donors by Campaign

In response to the community impact of COVID-19, organizations are encouraging donations to help continue vital services. Some are encouraging members to convert membership and program dues into donations.

In support of these efforts, we have added a group rule in Daxko Engage. The new Campaign group rule allows users to create a group of donors based on the specific campaign they have given to. This will help support meaningful follow-up communication through initiatives.

Group By Campaign

This Group Rule is available Monday, March 30. To read the details, check out the release notes.

Have questions?

Contact our Customer Service team at

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