Preferred Name and Semi-Private Scheduling

This week’s Daxko Operations release includes the preferred name functionality mentioned in our last release, as well as semi-private scheduling. Please review each of the enhancements below. This release will be available on Wednesday, February 17th.


Preferred Name

We know that associations often need the legal first name of a member for vital safety and security processes, but also wish to address each person by the most appropriate name. Many associations have requested this functionality, and in this release we are adding a value for preferred name to the Daxko Operations Live Site.

Preferred Name will be captured from the Membership Information page on the member tile. Additionally, members may update their preferred name online.

Once the preferred name is added, we will display this value in the following areas:

  • Rapid Check In
  • Check In
  • Online Member Account

We will be adding preferred name to essential locations throughout Daxko Operations in future releases. This includes areas such as rosters, reports, and search fields.


Semi-Private Scheduling

For Daxko Scheduling associations, you may now begin creating program packages for two person and small group personal training, sports lessons, private swim, etc. This is available for staff to book as well as members.

To indicate that a program package is available for a buddy or group to schedule, we have added a new setting on the Appointments step.



When a participant schedules a time for a package that has a buddy or group setting, the time and day selected will be locked down so that only participants with the same package will be able to book that day and time.



Note: If you are interested in Daxko Scheduling, please contact your Account Executive or send us an email at



If you have questions or feedback, please connect with for more details.

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