New Facility Usage Report!

In light of recent concerns regarding COVID-19, the Daxko Operations team has added a new report to track facility usage. Additionally, we have postponed our roll out of extensive changes to donations so that associations may focus on assisting the communities around them. Details of this release are included below.

Facility Usage Comparison Report 

We have added a new report to compare facility usage from last year to this year. It is located in System Menu > Browse Reports > Member Information.

This report provides an Excel export that contains two tabs, one for the previous year and one for the current year to date. This report shows counts by day for facility usage check-ins only, excluding access denied attempts and area check-ins. The counts are separated by each branch and also by age group.

Donations Enhancements 

The changes announced on February 20th were originally slated for a release to the Live Site for all associations this week. However, we know that many of you are heavily focused on supporting your communities and staff members during this time. For this reason, we will be delaying the release for a later date and will communicate the date when it is selected. However, if your association is prepared to roll out these changes to your Live Site now, you may contact and we will add the changes to your Live Site.

All associations will continue to have access to the donations enhancements on the Training Site, including several requests from many of you added with tonight’s release (ability to add a unit from an online donation, easier path for payroll deduct, etc).

COVID-19 Research

Several associations have reached out to request assistance with two main items: skipping the April membership draft should facilities be closed and canceling child care registrations by instance for weeks when child care facilities are closed.

We are able to place all members for an associations on hold for April for associations that submit a request to our Support Team. This request must be received a week prior to the draft in order for our teams to process the change. This will function like the manual action of placing a membership on hold, but will do so en masse.

We are currently exploring a new tool for child care that would allow an association to select one or more programs in the child care tab, select an instance start date, and cancel registrations en masse. Should we have an update, we will make sure each association is aware of our progress and timeline for this solution.

Please know that we admire the way you love and support your communities every day, especially in such a time as this. We are grateful for all that you do. 

Email with any questions.

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