Happy 2022! Daxko Operations Release Update

We hope 2022 is off to an excellent start for everyone! With this release, we have a few small enhancements requested by Daxko Operations users. Also, be sure to check out the reminder below about the new dashboard experience.

Choosing recurring program packages for other branches

In July of 2021, we released new functionality allowing for monthly recurring program packages. Now, users adding a recurring package to membership dues can choose recurring package options from branches other than the member’s home branch. After selecting “Add Packages”, users can simply select the branch where the desired recurring program package is offered.

Note: the “Add Package” option on membership dues will be available only if at least one program package at the association has been configured as recurring.

Registering for multiple program offerings

Sometimes, members registering for a program need an efficient way to select multiple similar offerings. This is especially true for camp programs. With this release, online registrants and staff registering members in-house will have the option to view, select, and register for multiple offerings at once. This experience will apply to traditional programs and child care and camp programs.

Reminder about New Daxko Dashboards

The new version of Daxko Dashboards and Performance Analytics has been released! The previous dashboard experience was replaced with the new experience on December 29, 2021.

If you have yet to experience the new dashboards, be sure to check it out. If it’s your first time accessing it, you will need to use the “Forgot Password” feature when logging to create your updated credentials. After entering in the email currently associated with your user account, clicking the Continue button will send a link prompting you to create a new password.


Users who have access to both Daxko Dashboards and Performance Analytics will only need to go through the forgot password process once – the same credentials will work for both sites. There is also a help section available to help you navigate through the dashboards, show the new features available, as well as identify any difference you may see when comparing to the current version.


These features will be available for users on Wednesday, January 19. Please contact support@daxko.com if you have any questions or concerns.

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