Exciting Updates to CAU

The proactive Card Account Updater is a service that regularly verifies and updates your members’ stored billing methods with the most recent credit card information on their account. This assists you and your team in avoiding returned credit card payments and the subsequent collections process that those returns initiate.

There occasionally are scenarios where a credit card expiration date is automatically updated for what shows as the current expiration via CAU but an expiration date even farther out is available to your constituent, possibly from a recently issued card. For example, the Smith Family’s credit card is set to expire in August 2019, the expiration date in their Daxko Operations account is August 2023, and the CAU process is set to update the expiration date to August 2021. In the past, the CAU process would win out, updating the expiration date to August 2021. However, we are now able to honor the expiration date farthest out in the future (August 2023) for the Smith Family.

This change will take effect this week on Wednesday, August 14th.

Need to know more? Email support@daxko.com.